
The Good Truck - Road Show in Netherlands

Unikátní vozidlo na evropském turné

A ne jen tak ledajaké: Renault Trucks Diamond Echo, unikátní elektroluminiscenční Renault Trucks T E-Tech.

  • Elektroluminiscenční lak
  • První elektrické nákladní vozidlo na evropském turné

Stále si myslíte, že je dojezd elektrického nákladního vozidla problém? Že je dobíjení nemožné? Přesvědčete se sami o možnostech vozidla Renault Trucks E-Tech během roadshow od 10. dubna do 19. července 2024.

Renault Trucks Diamond Echo - Starting point

  • April 9th: Reveal of the Renault Trucks Diamond Echo in Lyon's headquarter and broadcasted live on YouTube and Twitch
  • April 10th: Reveal in Bourg site with light show
  • April 15th to 17th: Full liner event in Blainville site with 2 200 employees
  • April 18th: Inauguration of Milence public charging point near Rouen

Renault Trucks Diamond Echo - Netherlands

  • April 18th to 22nd: Drivers were invited to test the Renault Trucks Diamond Echo during the TruckStar EV event. The Renault Trucks Diamond was also driven around the Rotterdam Harbour.
  • April 23rd: The Renault Trucks headed to Amsterdam Harbour and boarded to its next destination: UK

Renault Trucks Diamond Echo - UK

  • April 24th to 29th: The Renault Trucks Diamond Echo was driven from Newcasttle to Edinbourg by an Irish journalist specialised in Fleet Transport, Jarlath Sweeney. Many pictures were taken on the scottish roads and during Renault Trucks local event. 
  • April 30th: Customer event in Manchester.
  • May 4th to 5th: The Renault Truck Diamond Echo was in Lincoln for the TruckFest.
  • May 4th: Travel from Lincoln to Cambridge.

Roadshow v číslech

Renault Trucks E-Tech Roadshow bude příležitostí k setkání s řidiči, dopravci a odborníky v oboru dopravy.

The Roadshow by Renault Trucks

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