
For more than a decade, Renault Trucks has been selling trucks with communicating embedded technology. The goal is to provide powerful and robust tools to our customers and to support them with telematic services to optimize their activities.

In this digital context, Renault Trucks has always paid particular attention to data protection, including personal data.

For Renault Trucks, the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation - is only one more step in a process started in the early eighties.

During all these years, Renault Trucks has fulfilled all its regulatory obligations and in particular those relating to the successive evolutions of the act n°78-17 of 1978 about information technology, data files and civil liberties.

Since 2009, though it was optional, Renault Trucks has a Personal Data Protection Officer, responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations in this area.

This was also part of the Volvo group policy for which personal data protection is essential.

Since 2013, personal data protection is an integral part of the IT policy which is binding on all employees and service providers (this policy is attached to the Internal Rules).

In a constant effort to protect personal data, Renault Trucks has strived to get  the same commitment from its service providers and subcontractors for several years and secures the application of its rules in this area.

The arrival of the GDPR (May 25, 2018) only reinforces a data security policy that Renault Trucks has been paying attention to for a long time. Renault Trucks approach is now completed by new features:

  • Implementation of new governance headed by a Data Protection Officer.
  • Definition of a documentation repository which contains directives on the different categories of personal data as well as procedures more adapted to its business.
  • Eventually, personal data protection requires strong  IT security, for which an internal control has been developed to ensure an optimal level of security.

Renault Trucks ensures the security of the personal data of all (partners, customers and employees).

For more information about the use of personal data within volvo group, please click here

For more information about Data Subject Right, please click here