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Renault Trucks offers commercial vehicle users a large choice of innovative services and vehicles (from 3.1 to 120 T) adapted to a wide range of transport activities: distribution, construction, heavy construction, long distance.
El cambio climático es real. Para frenar este fenómeno, tenemos que actuar y descarbonizar rápidamente nuestro estilo de vida.
Renault Trucks se ha comprometido a acelerar la descarbonización para contribuir a limitar el aumento de la temperatura de la Tierra a 1,5°C. Nuestro objetivo es alcanzar la neutralidad de carbono en los vehículos que pondremos en el mercado a partir de 2040.
In (your country), we have more than (number) service points. That means you will always find someone close to you if you need to discuss about your transportation needs. Just come and have a coffee! That also means we will be able to quickly assist you whenever and wherever you need it.
Renault Trucks is the sole French truck manufacturer, founded in 1894. Building on the legacy of more than a century of innovation, we are now fully engaged in sustainable mobility. Renault Trucks and its distributors represent 20,000 people serving transport professionals around the world. Together, we are moving forward with simplicity, pragmatism, warmth and commitment.
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Drivers Corner
"Un véhicule qui doit monter sur un trottoir ou un obstacle par exemple, surtout chargé, ne doit pas rester en automatique. Passez sur C, en 1ère manuelle pour éviter de faire patiner l'embrayage. Votre véhicule pourra monter sans difficulté. Cela limitera l'échauffement de votre embrayage."
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