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Renault Trucks offers commercial vehicle users a large choice of innovative services and vehicles (from 3.1 to 120 T) adapted to a wide range of transport activities: distribution, construction, heavy construction, long distance.
Podnebne spremembe so resnične. Da bi ta pojav zajezili, moramo ukrepati in hitro zmanjšati emisije ogljika v našem življenjskem slogu.
Renault Trucks se je zavezal, da bo pospešil dekarbonizacijo in tako pomagal omejiti dvig zemeljske temperature na 1,5 °C. Naš cilj je doseči ogljično nevtralnost za vozila, ki jih bomo dali na trg od leta 2040 naprej.
In (your country), we have more than (number) service points. That means you will always find someone close to you if you need to discuss about your transportation needs. Just come and have a coffee! That also means we will be able to quickly assist you whenever and wherever you need it.
Renault Trucks is the sole French truck manufacturer, founded in 1894. Building on the legacy of more than a century of innovation, we are now fully engaged in sustainable mobility. Renault Trucks and its distributors represent 20,000 people serving transport professionals around the world. Together, we are moving forward with simplicity, pragmatism, warmth and commitment.
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